This method is essential for the stability of a class of objects outside the loop transfer function matrix, in the decoupling both before and after decoupling is an essentially stable object. 提出了针对一类开环传递函数矩阵对象为本质稳定及解耦后仍是本质稳定时系统的冗余设计方法。
The characteristic equation of the loop transfer function can therefore represent the stability of the hydraulic system. 又自成闭环系统,其闭环传递函数的特征方程表征着系统的稳定条件。
An optimal performance index is defined by desired closed loop transfer function and systematic design procedure is developed to derive the controller analytically. 通过期望闭环传递函数定义了最优性能指标,然后解析地推导出控制器,保证了系统具有好的干扰抑制能力。
Concretely, adaptive inverse control is an open loop control toward dynamic characteristic of system by acting inverse of plant transfer function as series controller, so it avoids instability as a result of feedback. 具体地说,自适应逆控制是用被控对象传递函数的逆作为串联控制器来对系统的动态特性作开环控制,从而避免了因反馈而可能引起的不稳定问题;
The static and dynamic responses of this frequency locked loop are analyzed, and its transfer function and noise model are given in this paper. 分析了该锁频环路的静态响应和动态响应,给出了环路传递函数和噪声模型。
In this paper, the relation between CCC ( cross-coupled control) controller and the closed loop transfer function of each axis is discussed. Based on the analysis of CETF ( contouring error transfer function), T-S Fuzzy CCC scheme is proposed to further reduce the contour error. 讨论了交叉耦合控制CCC(Cross-coupledcontrol)算法与各协调运动轴闭环传递函数的关系,在对轮廓误差传递函数(CETF)分析的基础上,提出基于T-S模糊推理的T-SCCC控制算法。
The general formula of transfer function and, of each main loop is obtained by systematic block diagram. Furthermore the practical transfer function of density system is obtained. 根据系统的方块图,求得主要环节及该系统的传递函数的一般公式,各密植系统的实际传递函数即因此产生。
Base on analyzing the sub circuit of close loop control for discharging current of pulse generator, the transfer function of open loop is built by using the state-space averaging method. 在分析脉冲电源放电电流闭环控制子电路的基础上,利用状态空间平均法建立了脉冲电源系统的开环传递函数。
The closed loop transfer function matrix of such a system must be singular, so the closed loop transfer function should be assumed a singular matrix before the robust controller is designed. 考虑到此系统的闭环传递函数阵一定是奇异的,将闭环传递函数阵即补灵敏度函数设为奇异阵,设计出鲁棒控制器。
Now the Mason's formula originally used to solve the transfer function in continuous control system is extensively applied to sampling control system, which proves to be a simple new practical approach to solving the closed loop impulse transfer function in the sampling control system. 本文将应用于连续控制系统求传递函数的梅逊公式,应用扩展到采样控制系统,给出了一种求采样控制系统闭环脉冲传递函数的简便方法。
The performance of the differential mode loop, the characteristic of MRC combining and the high-pass characteristic of the error transfer function of the uniform sampling second-order DPLL are simulated in the Matlab, the simulation results are given. 在Matlab环境下对分集合并中的差模环特性、最大比合并特性以及均匀采样二阶数字锁相环误差函数高通特性进行了仿真,给出了仿真结果。
The thesis introduces a simple, practical slip form structure transformation technique and points out flow-chart of linear displacement loop control and transfer function of all links and hardware realizing circuit. 介绍了一种简单实用的滑模变结构控制技术,给出了系统直线位移闭环控制结构框图及各环节的传递函数和硬件实现电路。
The control strategy of 3-phase induction motor operation with unity power factor is introduced. The model of current loop and small signal model of voltage loop based on transfer function are set up. The experiment system based on digital and analog hybrid control is designed. 介绍了三相感应电动机单位功率因数运行的控制策略,以传递函数形式建立了电流环的数学模型和电压环的小信号数学模型,研制了以单片微处理机器为核心的数字模拟混合实验系统。
The loop's impulse transfer function is derived from an eguivalent linear phase model for Sampled Conveter Phase-Locked Loop ( SCPLL) by means of the z-transform and Sampled Phaselock principle. 从取样变频锁相环(以下简称SCPLL)的一个等效线性相位模型出发,利用z变换和取样锁相原理,导出了环路的脉冲传递函数。
Two theorems on H ∞ optimization design of the state feedback controllers are given and a state feedback matrix with the H ∞ norm of closed loop transfer function lower than a given bound is obtained by solving a standard ARE. 在此基础上给出了状态反馈控制器H~∞优化设计的两个定理。
This paper proposes a new H_ ∞/ LTR method for control system design. By introducing appropriate weighting on the control signals, this method not only can achieve the target loop transfer function, but also can get a controller with relatively low gain and limited bandwidth. 提出了目标回路传递函数恢复的一种新的控制系统H∞/LTR设计方法,通过引入对控制量的加权,不仅可以保持LQR回路的特性,而且可以使控制器具有较低的增益和较小的带宽。
Research the close loop control theory and the regular ways of process control. Set up our micromanipulation system transfer function. Choose the PID controller as our micromanipulation system controller and show the fitness of PID controller for our system. 对闭环控制原理及常见方法进行研究,分析并建立系统的控制传递函数,选择PID控制器作为本操作系统的控制器,说明PID控制适合本系统的数学模型;
Theorem of Close-Loop Pulse Transfer Function 闭环脉冲传递函数定理
The small signal mathematical model of push pull DC/ DC converter is constructed by applying the state space method, and the closed loop system block diagram and transfer function are proposed. 文章给出了应用状态空间平均法所建立的推挽式DC/DC变换器的动态小信号数学模型,得出了闭环系统框图和传递函数。
According to the shortages this paper proposes an improved optimization control strategy, namely, the inner current loop gives a low pass pre-filter. It can eliminate the zero in the closed-loop transfer function and simplifies the function into a standard second-order system. 针对上述不足提出一种改进的优化控制策略,即对电流内环前置一个低通滤波器,消掉闭环传递函数中的零点,将其化为标准的二阶系统。
And a new approach which uses the electrical loop wires to directly measure the channel transfer function H ( f) and obtains the amplitude response and phase response, is provided to deal with the direct measurement of phase response for a line of long length. 其中利用电力环网线路直接测量信道传输函数H(f)的幅频响应和相频响应的新方法,解决了一直难以处理的长距离物理信道相频响应频域直接测量的问题。
The open loop transfer function has been deduced through experiment. After that the mathematical model of system is constructed by MATLAB/ Simulink and the PID control algorithm is added to the mathematical model. 通过试验推导出系统的开环传递函数,并且利用MATLAB/Simulink建立了系统的数学模型,同时引入PID控制算法。
A closed loop transfer function block diagram in which stator voltage is used as a control variable is designed. 并设计了以定子电压作为控制变量的闭环传递函数框图。
The loop theoretical analysis shows that the damping and bandwidth of the loop transfer function only depends on two factors of the digital loop filter. 对环路模型的理论分析表明,其传输函数的阻尼系数和带宽都只和数字低通滤波器的两个增益因子有关,而与电路里其他参数都无关。
Its control loop is analyzed in time and frequency domain, and a PID controller is designed with Ziegler-Nichols method based on proposing control strategies of this AUV and setting the typical system transfer function. 在提出本AUV航行控制策略并给定系统典型传递函数的基础上,对其控制回路进行了时频域分析,并在此基础上应用Ziegler-Nichols方法设计了PID控制器。
ZVS of switch is come true in light load. The closed loop system is designed Based on the small signal model and the transfer function of FB ZVS DC-DC converter. The closed loop system makes the converter have the well transient and steady performance. 根据全桥零电压DC-DC变换器的小信号模型及其传递函数,对闭环系统的补偿网络进行了设计,使变换器具有良好的稳态和暂态性能。
Based on the closed loop transfer function, the formulas for designing the parameters of voltage regulator and current regulators are given, and anti-saturation optimization design is done to PI regulators. 基于闭环传递函数推导了电压、电流调节器的参数选取公式,并对各个闭环PI调节器进行了抗积分饱和优化设计。为系统设计提供了理论依据。
The current inner loop transfer function is analyzed, and a suitable controller is used for the loop compensation. 重点分析了电流内环环路的传递函数,采用了适当的控制器对环路进行了补偿。